Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Angry Birds Party

Free Invitations...


My Invitations


Food Table

Template for Banner
For These banners I printed them on shiny Paper so they print better on an ink jet.
Also, I glued them to card stock paper.
To personalize them, I used photo shop and the angry birds font "Feast of Flesh"
to personalize them,
Here is the link to download the font...

You can probably use word to personalized them as well

Cupcake Circles

Right Click and the Ctrl C to Copy and Ctrl P to paste to New Blank Word Doc...

Right Click and the Ctrl C to Copy and Ctrl P to paste to New Blank Word Doc...

Instruction for Angry Bird 
Cake Pops

Table Ware

Building Bird Towers

Making Angry Birds masks

Girls Masks &
Photo Booth

Regular Masks

Sling Shot Game